April Meeting – Same Time But In the Cloud

The April meeting of Chapter 1306 will be held virtually on April 27th at 7 pm. You don’t need to leave the comfort (or maybe boredom) of your home. In fact, you can attend in your underwear – just keep the camera on your face please. (The camera is optional, but a computer, smartphone or tablet will be needed to view the presentation.)

Chapter member and technical nerd extraordinaire, Russ Gritzo, has offered to organize this meeting using Google Meets.  You do not need a Google account to attend.

Russ will prepare and distribute to members an instructional video and then email meeting invitations to all members.

A practice session, to get comfortable with the technology and test your environment, will be held on the 21st. If you miss that opportunity, it will be held again on the 27th at 6:00 pm prior to the meeting at 7:00.