Seven members of Chapter 1306 participated in the Navajo Christmas airlift this month. We collected donations from the chapter at a handy hangar, then the seven pilots (seven Samurai?) met to put the donations in bags, label the bags for content, and carefully weigh them. The seven pilots and their mounts were Mark Campbell, Bonanza N8397D; Mike Davisson, Cherokee N9494W; Russ Gritzo, Cherokee N7349W; Jeff Johnston, Tri-Pacer N5790D; Les Krumel, Thorp T-18 N48LK; Joe Simonson, Mooney N5533Q; and Chris Wilson, Interstate Cadet N46333. The winds were forecast to be feisty, but some of the pilots bounced out to Gallup on Thursday, 11/11, while others waited for lower winds and went Friday 11/12. The airlift was very successful, flying in literally tons of donations from the states surrounding the Navajo reservation. [John Lorenz]
More photos here: Photo Albums – EAA Chapter 1306 (eaa1306.org)