EAA Chapter 1306 hosted a Flying Start event May 11 and 12, 2019 at the Moriarty Airport FBO (many thanks to Bob Hudson, 0E0 Airport manager, for letting us use the FBO!) The Flying Start program is a companion to the EAA Young Eagles program that gives kids their first rides, but it is aimed at adults, making use of the common latent interest for flying, i.e., “I always thought that would be neat but never knew where to start!”
The 1306 Friday evening ground-school meeting hosted 8 participants. Gathered around pizza and cokes, informal presentations by chapter members included ‘How do I start?’ ‘What does it cost?’ ‘Options: Ultra-Light to Private Pilot flying’ ‘Civil Air Patrol,’ ‘Gliders’ and ‘Reducing the cost through partnerships’.
The following Saturday morning, six EAA Chapter 1306 pilots gave six participants their first airplane rides, letting the participants handle the controls and giving them insights into the mysteries and joys of flight. The flight program was followed by a hangar crawl visiting member hangars to see a variety of airplanes and projects. All repaired to the weekly Commemorative Air Force burger burn for lunch.