Short – Soft Takeoffs and Landings April 13, 2019 Carrizozo Airport (F37) – RESCHEDULED to April 20


The airstrip will not accommodate too many airplanes so registration is limited. Please print, complete, and bring the required Waiver.

When: April 13, 2019. RESCHEDULED >>>  [Weather date April 20]. Plan to be on the ground and tied down by 8 AM, and to stay through lunch-time.

Breakfast and Lunch: Coffee and breakfast burritos will be available, but you must request them with your registration. There will be an opportunity to have lunch at a local establishment in town.

Where: Carrizozo airport (F37) 90 nm SE of KABQ; 44 nm from the Corona (CNX) VOR on the 181° radial

Elevation 5371 ft MSL
Runway 15-33, dirt, 2500 ft long
Self-service 100LL fuel available
Runway 06-24, paved, 4944 ft long

See Short - Soft Takeoffs and Landings April 13, 2019 Carrizozo Airport (F37) (587 downloads ) for more details.